What is server-side programming?

Server-side programming is a term used to indicate the development (or programming) of features (such as code) within the server directly, or, in other words, on the server side. It is the opposite of client-side programming, which is where a technological stack accesses the database, manipulates the data, and enforces rules. Server-side programming allows developers to embed business logic directly into the server (such as PostgreSQL), so that it is the duty of the server to run code to enforce constraints and keep the data secure and coherent. Moreover, since server-side programming embeds code in the server, it helps to implement automation.

One advantage of server-side programming is that the code runs locally to the data it uses; no network connection or external resources are required to access the underlying data. This usually means that the code that is embedded into the server runs faster than the client-side code, which requires the user to connect to the database in order to gain access to the data that is stored.

This also means that the client application can exploit embedded code, since it is centralized to the server, without any regard to the technological stack that the client is using. This often speeds up the implementation of applications, since no distributed or external dependencies are required, other than the ones needed by the server itself.

Last but not least, server-side programming allows the code to be stored into the database itself. This means that this code is managed like any other database object and can be backed up and restored with the usual database-backup tools. This is not quite true for the languages that come in a compiled form, such as Java, but having code stored within the database simplifies a lot of the management involved in migrating and upgrading the code regardless. Of course, server-side programming should not be thought of as a comprehensive solution to every problem. If it is used incorrectly, the code stored within the server can make it consume too many resources, including memory and temporary files (and also I/O bandwidth), resulting in the users' data being served at a lower speed. It is therefore really important to exploit server-side programming only in situations in which it makes sense to do so and when it can simplify the management of the data and the code.