Chapter 1 Fibre,Yarn and Fabric
1.1 Text What is a fibre
1.2 Text Natural cellulosic fibres
1.3 Text Natural protein fibres
1.4 Text Regenerated fibres
1.5 Text Synthetic fibres
1.6 Text Yarn and fabric
Chapter 2 Pre-treatment Processes of Textiles
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2.1 Text Preparations before wet pre-treatment
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2.2 Text Desizing
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2.3 Text Scouring
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2.4 Text Bleaching
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2.5 Text Mercerizing
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2.6 Text Heat setting
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Chapter 3 Dyeing of Textiles
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3.1 Text Introduction to dyeing
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3.2 Text Classification of dyes
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3.3 Text Dyeing machines
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3.4 Text Dyeing of cellulose fabric
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3.5 Text Dyeing of protein fabric
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3.6 Text Dyeing of polyester fabric
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3.7 Text Dyeing of polyacrylic textiles
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Chapter 4 Printing of Textiles
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4.1 Text Introduction to printing
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4.2 Text Roller printing
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4.3 Text Screen printing
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4.4 Text Transfer printing
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4.5 Text Direct printing with dyes
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4.6 Text Direct printing with pigments
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4.7 Text Discharge and resist printing
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Chapter 5 Finishing of Textiles
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5.1 Text Introduction to finishing
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5.2 Text Mechanical finishes
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5.3 Text Application of resin for finishing
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5.4 Text Water proofing and water repellent finishes
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5.5 Text Flame retardant finish
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5.6 Text Other special finishes
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Chapter 6 Textile Testing
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6.1 Text Introduction to textile testing
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6.2 Text Testing of pre-treated fabric
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6.3 Text Measurement of coloured fabric
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6.4 Text Measurement of finished fabric
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Appendix 1 Standard operating procedures for garment merchandising
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Appendix 2 Vocabulary
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Appendix 3 Phrases and Expressions
更新时间:2020-07-17 11:52:38